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Almost 500 million people speak Hindi. It is the second most spoken language in the world. Approximately half of all illiterate people in India speak Hindi. The highest illiteracy rate is among the poor and those that live on the fringes.

The video below illustrates this point.

Superintendent Rajnish Jacob will be developing the olBi courses for the Hindi language at his ministry center in Jaipur, Rajasthan.



Hindi Courses



Rajnish, Pintu, and Sam

Hindi production has begun in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajisthan in western India.

Rajnish has put together a great production team led my his assistant pastor, Sam.

Pintu is the first enrolled student in olBi and had waited patiently for the first course to be produced in Hindi. Pintu watched the first lesson and then looked up with a broad grin and said, "It is like the Holy Spirit is speaking to me!"




>>OLI Home

>>International Offices
>>>>2740 East Michigan St.
>>>>Orlando, FL 32806

>>+01 407.587.9107





> > >Sample - English
> > >Sample - Spanish



>>>>R. Hawks
>>>>R. Jacobs
>>>>B. Parks
>>>>P. Parks
>>>>A. Hawks


>>olBi India



. . . . .Mozambique: Portuguese
. . . . .India: Hindi
. . . . .
India: Gujarati
. . . . .
India: Tamil
. . . . .India: Punjabi
. . . . .India: Kannada
. . . . .
Indonesia: Bahasa
. . . . .
East Africa: Swahili

The Oral Learners Bible Institute is an initiative of the Oral Learners Initiative, an international ministry of the Assemblies of God World Mission.