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Pastoral Ministry Certificate

The program in Pastoral Ministry is designed to prepare the student for pastoral ministry with foundational knowledge in Bible, church leadership, theology, evangelism, and discipleship.

The student will be able to perform pastoral responsibilities in the development and administration of the local church.

Year One Courses

theo Th 131 God's Plan 3 credits

This course gives an overview of the biblical story, God’s entire plan, beginning before creation and concluding after Christ’s final victory.  The perspective is God-centric as opposed to human-centric.

theo Th 122 Foundation Doctrines 2 credits

This course will lay a biblical theological foundation based upon the doctrines discussed in Hebrews 6, repentance, faith, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrections, and eternal judgment.

bible Bi 124 Old Testament 1 2 credits

The stories of the Old Testament are taught in chronological sequence to emphasize theological concepts and historical personalities.  Cultural, historical, and geographical information is woven through the lessons to help the student understand the context of each story. Bi121 covers creation through the death of Moses.

bible Bi 131 The Gospels 1 3 credits
  The life and ministry of Jesus are taught in a linear timeline. Each story includes cultural, historical, and geographical background information. Bi133 covers the life and ministry of Jesus up until Christ's passion.  
bible Bi 122 The Gospels 2 2 credits
  The life and ministry of Jesus are taught in a linear timeline. Each story includes cultural, historical, and geographical background information. Bi 123 covers the passion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ.  
bible Bi 133 The Acts 3 credits

Acts is an examination of the early growth of the church, with special emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit through the early believers.  The patterns of persecution, church leadership, and the supernatural will be emphasized.

Disc Di 121 Effective Communication 2 credits

This course explores communication methodologies designed to enable the student to effectively communicate within an oral society.

theo Th 123 A Study of the Holy Spirit 2 credits

A study of the Pentecostal doctrine of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing Spirit baptism, initial evidence, divine healing, gifts and fruit, and living a Spirit-directed life.

Disc Di 122 Essential Christianity 2 credits

Jesus commanded the church to make disciples.  This course explores aspects of discipleship that are essential for every believer including memorizing God's Word, prayer, witnessing, and fasting.

Year Two Courses
bible Bi 235 Old Testament 2 2 credits

The stories of the Old Testament are taught in chronological sequence to emphasize theological concepts and historical personalities.  Cultural, historical, and geographical information is woven through the lessons.

Evangelism Ev 131 Sharing Your Journey 3 credits

Students are taught various methods of evangelism within the community and reliance on prayer andthe Holy Spirit as Pentecostal believers. Personal evangelism as well as outreach ministries are explored.

theo Th 224 Sin and Atonement 2 credits

The nature of sin and mankind’s inability to be reconciled to God through works is explained by prophetic promise of atonement through Jesus' life and death.

Evangelism Ev 232 Church Planting Models 3 credits

Students will examine the biblical foundation, historical background, and current strategies of church planting. In this course local methodologies are included for each culture.

Pastoral Pa 221 Church Leadership 2 credits

God's government of church leadership and spiritual authority are taught. Leadership principles including a servant leader model, ethics, and basic financial principles are included in this course of study.

Evangelism Ev 233 Cross-Cultural Evangelism 3 credits

This course introduces students to the belief systems of the major religions of the world.  Each student will learn the basics of apologetics and evangelism.

Pastoral Pa 232 Counseling 3 credits

This course will teach the basic principles of biblical counseling using stories from scripture to illustrate practical guidelines and ethics.

Di 223 We Believe 2 credits

An overview of the 16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God is taught in this course, using relevant scriptures, with each truth tied to a Bible story.

Pa233 Letters to the Churches 3 credits

A study of selected letters of the New Testament, including some from pastoral, prison, general and Johannine epistles, with emphasis on the occasion for writing and applications for the leaders of young churches.

Year Three Courses
bible Bi 346 Understanding Bible Prophecy 4 credits

General principles of understanding biblical prophecy will be taught. Both the Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus and their fulfillment in his life, as well as prophecies regarding Jesus’ second coming and events of the end times will be considered.

theo Th 325 Understanding the Godhead 2 credits

The triune nature of God is examined, resulting in a thorough understanding of the nature and ministry of each of the three persons of the Godhead.

theo Th 326 Satan, Demons, and Angels 2 credits

Understanding angels, demons, and Satan will safeguard the church from heretical teaching and worship of angelic beings.  This course reconciles the various passages concerning Satan and his work.

Evangelism Ev 334 Understanding Islam 3 credits

This course teaches principles of ministry to Muslims, including understanding both their religion and culture, and hindrances to their acceptance of Christ.

Pastoral Pa 336 Church History 3 credits

This course will cover the significant events of the last 2000 years of church history while explaining the Catholic church, the Protestant Reformation, the birth of denominations, and the Pentecostal revival.

Pa 335 Spiritual Authority 3 credits

Principles of spiritual authority as they apply to church leadership and the church member are taught using stories from the Old Testament, the life of Christ, and the Book of Acts.

Pa 324 The Corinthian Epistles 2 credits

Paul’s instructions and corrections to a fledgling congregation will be discussed to assist young pastors and workers facing challenges in their young churches.

Pa 327 Sacraments of the Church 2 credits

Students will learn their culture’s way of conducting the sacraments of the church including communion, dedications, water baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Evangelism Ev 335 Understanding Hinduism 3 credits

This course teaches principles of ministry to Hindus, including understanding both their religion and culture, and challenges to effect outreach.


Admissions Information





Courses by Category
theo Theology
Th131 God's Plan
Th122 Foundation Doctrines
Th123 A Study of the Holy Spiritt
Th224 Sin and Atonement
Th325 Understanding the Godhead
Th326 Satan, Demons & Angels
bible Bible
Bi131 The Gospels 1
Bi122 The Gospels 2
Bi133 The Acts
Bi124 Old Testament 1
Bi235 Old Testament 2
Bi346 Understanding Bible Prophecy
Disc Discipleship
Di121 Effective Communication
Di122 Essentials of Christianity
Di223 We Believe
Evangelism Evangelism
Ev131 Sharing Your Journey


Church Planting Models
Ev233 Cross-Cultural Evangelism
Ev334 Understanding Islam
Ev335 Understanding Hinduism
Pastoral Pastoral Studies
Pa221 Church Leadership
Pa232 Counseling
Pa233 Letters to the Churches
Pa324 Corinthian Epistles
Pa335 Spiritual Authority

Church History

Pa327 Sacraments of the Church



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>>International Offices
>>>>2740 East Michigan St.
>>>>Orlando, FL 32806

>>+01 407.587.9107





> > >Sample - English
> > >Sample - Spanish



>>>>R. Hawks
>>>>R. Jacobs
>>>>B. Parks
>>>>P. Parks
>>>>A. Hawks


>>olBi India



. . . . .Mozambique: Portuguese
. . . . .India: Hindi
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India: Gujarati
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India: Tamil
. . . . .India: Punjabi
. . . . .India: Kannada
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Indonesia: Bahasa
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East Africa: Swahili

The Oral Learners Bible Institute is an initiative of the Oral Learners Initiative, an international ministry of the Assemblies of God World Mission.